
Insights Centre_

IMF – The Impact of Monetary Policy Shocks on Credit Card Spending

Researchers at the IMF have published another working paper using Fable’s data. The paper demonstrates the advantages of having high-frequency data to help improve the identification of the effects of monetary policy. The differences are particularly noticeable when compared to more traditional data sources on consumption, which are usually subject to less frequent aggregation. Additionally,...

Partner research

UK and Germany Spend Insight Report 05 Dec – 11 Dec 2022

In this week’s report, spend in the UK was flat 0% versus 2021 (YoY) and up 14% versus 2019 (Yo3Y). Spend in Germany was up 9% YoY and up 8% Yo3Y. In the UK, as we head into the peak holiday shopping season, spend declines are being seen across most High St regions relative to last year. In Germany, in contrast to the UK, spend growth is being seen across the High St and in some select categories including Clothing & Apparel, Sporting Goods and Health & Beauty Stores

Weekly Spend Report

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